Wednesday 9th November 2016
The weeks are getting busier and busier as we move rapidly through the term. In Maple Class, we always look forward to welcoming visitors, so last week we were very excited to be working alongside some fantastic artists in our class! Our task was to make some lanterns for the opening ceremony of…
This week's blog!
We have started writing spooky stories this week – we are currently planning the plot, setting and characters. We read a story together about a haunted house and absolutely loved it! (See above for our spooky picture!)
This week we had a visitor from Explore Judaism UK. We extended…
W/E 4th November 2016
This week, we are focusing on writing a spooky story. We have looked at a range of pictures, watched videos and listened to pieces of music for inspiration. Miss Saville wrote a piece that we analysed, looking at sentence structure, punctuation and vocabulary. We then used it to write…
Week beginning 31st October 2016
Welcome back everybody I hope you had a restful and enjoyable holiday!!
This week the children have had great fun exploring the school grounds during 'forest schools'.They had to recreate a picture they were given using natural objects and look at the lines,colours and patterns.
We have also…
Wednesday 2nd November 2016
After a lovely half term break, Maple Class have quickly got back into the swing of school life! On the last day before the holiday, Maple and Ash Classes enjoyed an amazing day out at the Danby Moors Centre learning many new geographical skills whilst having lots of fun!
21st October
Another great week in Ash Class! This week we have been writing poetry. We completed our poems entitled 'Mysteries' and then learnt about Kenning Poems and of course - created our own. We all agreed in Ash class that writing poetry had been more fun than we expected! In other writing this week we…
The Super Squirrels had their second session in the woods this week led by Mr Bates. We looked for minbeasts and collected them up in little containers to look at more closely using a magnifying glass. We also collected treasure from the woodland floor like orange leaves and conker shells and we…
What a busy week we have had preparing for our class trips to Sainsburys. We have set up our own shop and we are using real money to buy and sell our fresh fruit and vegetables. We have learning about what '5 a day' means and the difference between foods we should eat all the time to keep us…
Week beginning 17th October
This week we had great fun making and eating pizza!!This enabled us to write a more detailed recount of a first hand experience.The children on this occasion were expected to write more extended sentences using the conjunction 'and' while using time connectives more independently.…
Weekly Blog
Ash class have been exploring the woodland setting to inspire their spooky stories in English. Working independantly to assemble their outdoor classroom (the Tepee) the children were able to plan and share their writing ideas together at the end of the session.
Wednesday 19th October
We have nearly reached the half term holiday and are all looking forward to a good rest and having fun with our families. Looking back to the first day of Year 3 in September, it is amazing to see how far the children have progressed in their learning. This week, we have been writing stories which…