Supporting your child at home
The best thing you can do to support your child is to be invested in their learning. We share books between school and home from the moment children join Stakesby until the moment they leave.
In Nursery, we have the 'Lending Library'. Your child will bring home a book to share and a book in which to record your experience of the book.
In Reception - Year 6, pupils are set short homework tasks. These consist of reading their reading book 4 x per week for around 5-10 minutes. There are 6 spellings to practise weekly, and for pupils in Years 1 - 6, a maths homework task is set via Sumdog.
Pupils in Reception will also bring home a guided handwriting book to practise their letter formation in the same way they do at school.
Below are some links to websites you may find useful.
Supporting Your Child At Home
Supporting Your Child's Mental Health
You will have heard a lot in the news about children's mental health. A recent study by the NHS indicated that as many as 4 children in a class of 30 could be living with serious emotional disorders. Worryingly, 80% of parents felt that they aren't as equipped to deal with mental health issues as they would like to be.
In response to this, Action For Children and The Children's Society have collaborated to produce a guide to help families understand and offer thorough support if their children experience anxiety.
This link will take you to their website Expert Parent's Guide to Childhood Anxiety
Other Links:
Times Tables - Speed Test
How many times tables facts can you do in the shortest time?
Times Tables - Moon Maths
Another favourite to get speed in tables recall.
Hit the Button
A perennial favourite for learning times tables or add/subtract facts - very effective and fun!
The School Run
A website for parents to help support their child's learning at home. This website has lots of useful advice and downloadable worksheets for you and your child to work through together.
Top Marks
Articles written by teachers to help parents support learning at home.
More Maths Sites:
A lovely interactive site with advice for parents as well as games and activities to use at home.
A range of inspiring and engaging maths activities and challenges
Interactive activities covering a range of mathematical concepts.
Free interactive Maths resources arranged in the different maths topic categories.
Full of maths games and activities.
Clear tutorials and explanations of all mathematical concepts
A range of interactive activities
Times Tables Games