Illness & Accidents


Every class in school contains staff who are trained in First Aid, as are our office and dinner time staff. If your child feels unwell, we will make a judgment as to the severity of the illness.  If we think it necessary, we will contact you to take them home. In the case of an emergency, we will act in the best interests of your child and take them to hospital or call the doctor - we will of course make every effort to contact you. 

If your child is too unwell to attend school, please ensure you contact the school office by 9am. This will be recorded as an authorised absence. Illnesses such as coughs and colds, though unpleasant, are not reasons not to be in school. Tiredness from late nights is also not an acceptable reason for your child to be in school and, as such, will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.



At the present time, school staff may only administer medicines as long as:

  • The medicine has been prescribed by a doctor to be taken 4 times daily. (Parents are welcome to come into school if required to administer the likes of Calpol, etc.)
  • Parents/Carers give written authorisation (form to be obtained from the school office)

  • The medicine is in a properly labeled container with the name of the prescribing person (normally the GP) on the label, as well as the name and home address of the pupil, the name of the medicine, the dosage and time of administration.