Welcome to Super Squirrels

Super Squirrels share the Early Years building with Wise Owls (Reception) and have their own learning space tailored to help them develop the learning habits they need for school, and to help them access the curriculum. Mrs Walker is our Nursery Lead and teaches alongside Mrs Locker, Mrs Nattriss and Mrs Mason, supported by our Early Years Lead, Mrs Tacon. Across the academic year, pupils in Super Squirrels begin to explore the world around them, learning about different faiths, cultures and countries - and how these relate to their own experiences.

Pupils bring books home to share with their adults. Our lending library has a vast array of high quality texts to help develop language, stimulate your child's imagination and help foster a love of reading. 

Forest School takes place every Wednesday with our specialist teacher, Mrs Mason. We're very lucky to have our own school wood; the changing natural environment provides a wonderful space for your child to learn, explore and challenge themselves in a safe and familiar setting.

Parents and carers can join in the fun via Class Dojo - a free app for your phone and tablet - which is where we post photos of our learning, play and adventures each day.

Our nursery spaces can book up very quickly; you are able to reserve your child's place by contacting the school office by telephone on 01947820231 or via email at admin@stakesbyschool.net


What should my child wear for nursery?

Our uniform is comfortable, smart and promotes independence. It consists of:


  • Black skirt, pinafore, trousers or shorts.* Pupils who have just gained independence in toileting should wear something that can easily be pulled down or up to minimise accidents
  • White polo shirt or short-sleeved shirt**
  • Grey Stakesby branded cardigan or jumper
  • Black shoes which are hard-wearing and suitable for climbing
  • Black or grey tights
  • Black, grey or white socks

 *In the Summer Term, girls may choose to wear a blue gingham dress

**Some pupils may choose to wear a tie with their shirt in preparation for Reception

We also highly recommend that your child has a book bag to carry items such as reading books, pictures and other artworks to and from school


How can I help prepare my child for nursery?

At nursery there may be more people than your child is used to, some of them unfamiliar. Taking them to places with other children - such as parent & child classes - and encouraging them to socialise will help.

All young children can find sharing and turn taking a challenge. Playing games that encourage turn taking and sharing – and explaining why this is important - will help.

Encourage your child to be independent and to have a go at doing things by themselves. Let them practise putting on their own clothes and shoes – starting with something less tricky such as a coat. Help them to become toilet trained by recognising when they need to go. Speak to your health visitor for advice about when and how to start this. All children develop at different rates and we are happy to support you with toilet training.

Talking, sharing stories and singing songs and rhymes are a brilliant way to help to develop your child’s language and communication skills. These skills are essential to help support them when playing with other children. The BBC website https://www.bbc.co.uk/tiny-happy-people has some great ideas and resources for parents to use with their children to develop language skills.