Welcome to Ash Class

Ash Class (Year 4) is taught by Mrs Hamstead, who is also our school SENDCo. Mrs Mason supports the class every day.

In the summer of Year 4, your child will sit the statutory Multiplication Check, which is an online assessment that tests their knowledge of times tables. It is important that your child practises their times tables at home on free apps such as 'Hit the Button' and via their Sumdog account which is paid for by school. This will not just enable them to be successful in the multiplication check, but will also ensure they have rapid recall of important facts to aid their wider maths work. It is still vital that you listen to your child read each day to ensure their continued progress in fluency and comprehension of more challenging texts.

Pupils in Ash Class continue to enjoy weekly Forest School sessions (every other half term) linked to the wider curriculum. These sessions take place on a Thursday. We're very lucky to have our own school wood; the changing natural environment provides a wonderful space for your child to learn, explore and challenge themselves in a safe and familiar setting. 

Pupils get the chance to visit Peat Rigg Outdoor Education Centre during our summer residential. More information about this is available from Miss Robson.


General Information:

Homework: Your child will have a homework task set on Sumdog each Monday. This is to be completed by the following Monday. The task follows on from what they have learned in class, and will be personalised to your child. We expect all children to read to an adult four times per week to improve their decoding, fluency and comprehension. Children who read more than this are rewarded with a prize in our Star of the Week assembly. 

Spellings: Five spellings will be given every Monday and tested on a Friday along with five other words using the same spelling pattern.

Forest School: Our Forest School session is on a Thursday afternoon of Autumn 1, Spring 1 and Summer 1 half terms. Children need to come to school dressed in warm/waterproof clothes including hats, gloves, warm coat and wellies in winter, and suitable layers in summer. Please ensure that the children have a spare pair of shoes to walk comfortably around school in.

PE: Our P.E lesson is on a Tuesday during Autumn 1, Spring 1 and Summer 1 half terms. It is on a Thursday during Autumn 2, Spring 2 and Summer 2 half terms. Children need to come dressed in their PE kit comprising of white t-shirt, black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms, trainers, Stakesby hoodie or Stakesby jumper/cardigan. Hair should be tied back and any earrings should be removed before the lesson.