Ash Class 26th January 2017
What a busy week! We have been learning all about fractions. We can now find fractions of amounts, can order and compare fractions and can solve problems involving fractions. We have become much more confident and have used manipulatives to help us! Next week,…
Tuesday 24th January 2017
Our Headteacher, Mr Gunning, came to our class this week to set us a challenge. He would like us all to become a 'Number Whizz' and showed us how we could work at home and in school to improve our instant recall of number facts. It sounds like great fun as you can earn stickers along the way.…
Ash Blog
January 20th 2017
This week in Ash class we have been working hard to produce our final versions of our persuasive writing and it is fair to say we are really proud of the excellent writing we have produced!
In maths this week we have been focusing on decimals and looking forward to doing…
20th January 2017
Another week has flown by in Elm Class as we worked until our socks flew outside of the school!
The first day of the week is a hard day for the whole of Elm Class, because of the fact its Monday! We did a lot of work this week in Elm Class.
In English we were focusing on editing our…
20th January 2017
Another week has flown by in Elm Class as we worked until our socks flew outside of the school!
The first day of the week is a hard day for the whole of Elm Class, because of the fact its Monday! We did a lot of work this week in Elm Class.
In English we were focusing on editing our…
Wise Owls have been really interested in finding about the life of an astronaut. We have created our own role play area and written our own space logs.
We have shared the story of 'Baby Brains' and also watched it. Click on the link below to share at…
Week Beginning 16th January
This week we have been busy writing our non-chronological reports about cats.The children have included lots of interesting facts in their reports and have amazed us with the information they have remembered!They have considered the most amazing fact they learnt and included this in a 'fact box'…
Tuesday 17th January 2017
Last week, we began a '10 week Challenge' which Mr Bates our P.E, teacher has set. We are doing the 'Daily Mile' where over the course of the challenge we will try to improve our fitness and stamina. It is fantastic to see how much progress the children have made in only a week. They are already…
Ash Class Blog - Friday 13th...
Friday 13th January
We have welcomed Miss Gildroy into class with us this week. Miss Gildroy is a third year teaching student and will be working in Ash class with us until the middle of March. This week we have been getting to know each other!
In English this week we have been focusing in…
First Week Back!!!
In Literacy, Elm Class were planning there explanation text for a machine that will make Miss Saville's job easier.Thursday morning we wrote up our explanation text with our planning work to help us.Half of the class went out to do forest schools to have fun in the woods, getting muddy and most…
This week the Wise Owls have been counting how many aliens are on the spaceship. We have been using language involving addition, including plus, add, how many, altogether, equals and total. We have also being counting on a number line by throwing a dice and "jumping on", e.g. how many jumps from…
Happy New Year!
Oak class have really settled back in to school life after the Christmas break, and it's been great to see everyone ready and raring to go!
This week, we've been fortunate enough to work with Chris Evans (Josh's dad) who taught us all about the art of photography.