This week we have been busy writing our non-chronological reports about cats.The children have included lots of interesting facts in their reports and have amazed us with the information they have remembered!They have considered the most amazing fact they learnt and included this in a 'fact box' and drawn detailed diagrams to supplement their information.We look forward to reading the homework sheets about their own pets and next week the children will work on writing these facts into a non-chronological report more independently.
In maths we are continuing with time and have been reading clocks and drawing on times for half past the hour.We are also practising the order of the days in a week and the months of the year and considering what may happen in particular months.
We have introduced the chidren to early work this week.This will include reinforcement of concepts taught in literacy or maths by completing a short task at register time.Please ensure children are at school on time so they don't miss out these tasks.