We're at the end of our first half term as Elm 2019! Mrs Tillson and Mrs Gurney are delighted with our progress so far this year and are confident it will continue!
Our Superstars of this half term are Jodie and Alfie, so they have taken part in our special assembly this morning. Well done, both of you!
In maths this week, we have been looking at multi-step problems and the best way to solve them. We've been looking closely at the four operations and how using inverse can help us.
We've finished our work on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in history with some funny Horrible Histories videos and drew a typical Viking scene for the wall. Some of them are very gory!
In computing, we've completed a visual 'Digital Footprint' from all of us, so Mrs Gurney is going to display them in the hall.
PE this week was gymnastics. We are very supple!
We had a visit from Lee and Dawn this week who talked to us about Remembrance Day and how it's been a hundred years since the end of the first World War. We learnt a lot and the morning was very moving as Lee talked about warfare and life in the trenches. We have written some Haiku poems and made some poppies so they'll be displayed in school too.
Guy Fawkes has been our comprehension this week and we're just finishing the Titanic for Guided Reading. We can't wait to see what all our new topics are!
Have a fantastic half-term and we'll be back soon!
Elm class.