Hello there. This week in elm class, we're feeling better than the weather!
This week's Star of the Week is Lilah. Well done Lilah!
Our literacy focus at the moment is the book, 'There's a boy in the girls' bathroom.' We're looking at the characters Jeff and Bradley at the moment and how they really feel about school and each other. Today, we're writing a diary entry from Bradley's point of view. Here we are hard at work in the suite:
In maths, we have moved onto reasoning and problem solving activities in adding and subtracting 4 (and more!) digit numbers.
We have been learning about Rosa Parks for our comprehension work this week. Find out more about Rosa Parks here:
We are very interested in our guided reading topic this week. It's the Titanic. We can't wait to get stuck in!
In our history lessons, still on the topic of Vikings, we are learning about various aspects of Viking life. We looked at houses, clothes, travel, religion and food. Most of us are very glad we will never come across a Viking!
Our last swimming session will be on Tuesday :((
See you next week!
Elm Class.