This week, we've been working very hard on our assessments and practising for our Family Celebration and Dragon Days. Miss Robson says it's all coming along very nicely and you have a super performance to look forward to!

Our sunflower looks a little healthier this week and Mrs Gurney is most relieved! She was worried that her reputation with Mrs Ventress will never recover if it dies!

In PE we have been practising running and talking about sportsmanship ready for Sports Day.

We have been creating Mayan masks in art with Mrs Mason. We had the glitter, sequins, beads, felt, tissue paper and paint out to create them. We had great fun and our classroom was sparkling when we finished!

In SRE this week, we talked about keeping healthy during puberty and how we can achieve this through regular showering and healthy eating.

We have started to look at area and perimeter work in maths. This isn't new to us but we're extending our learning by working out the area and perimeter of composite, rectilinear shapes.

In English, we have been inspired the book Flanimals. The children have designed their own flanimal and have written an explanation text on the life cycle of their creature. 

We made GIF's in computing this week. You may have seen them on Facebook. We used the app Keynote to create simple images on the slides, changing one detail each time a screen shot was taken. We then put the images into and out popped our animated GIFs! Mrs Gurney said they were very impressive.

Paige is our Star of the Week this week. Well done, Paige!