In a change to our usual style of blog, this week we thought that we would share some ideas to keep the children entertained over half term with you.

Supporting Your Child At Home….In The Half Term Holiday!

The best way to support your child over the holiday is to spend as much quality time with them as possible and have FUN!

Learning can be found in a wide variety of everyday activities that won’t make a hole in your wallet. For example, on Shrove Tuesday, why not make pancakes together?

Reading a recipe, writing a shopping list, using money at the shop,weighing ingredients and following instructions are all fabulous opportunities for learning. With older, or more inquisitive children, you could also talk about, or ask them to find out why, we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.


In recent weeks, our 'Stars of the Week' have been Kai and Safi. Well Done to you both! We are also looking forward to this coming Friday where we invite family members to celebrate with us in our 'Superstars' assembly. This half term, the 'Superstars for Maple Class are Keeva and Toby. Both children have stood out this term for consistently working hard. Well Done and keep up the good work!