We have been problem-solving in maths and learning about equal fractions. We understand what a numerator and a denominator are and how to simplify a fraction.
In computing, we are learning about spreadsheets. We can now create a basic calculation formula and this week we learned about the SUM function and when to use it.
This week, the second group went out with Mr Bates to complete their Great Forest School's Bake-Off. They had a fabulous time too and if anything, were muddier and colder than the first group!
This week in our topic, we have been looking at the roles of women during the war. It has challenged our gender stereotyping attitudes and we have a new-found respect for the people who lived through it. Some of Elm class have been lucky enough to have been trusted by their grandparents to bring in papers and memorabillia from the Second World War. We love looking at it all and are being very careful with it! We're beginning to understand the enormity of it and that it is quite an emotive subject.
We are going to Eden Camp on Monday 5th February and we are very excited about it! Check back here next week for details and photos of our trip.