Welcome back!
We have had a great first week back at school in our new class!
This week has been a really busy one. We have found out about the rules and routines in Key Stage 2 and have already got stuck into exciting challenges in Year 3.
On Wednesday we went to Whitby beach for our art lesson. We had to work in groups to look for 'treasure' on the beach. We then used our findings to create beach art. Mrs Sloan was really impressed with all of our creations. We all thoroughly enjoyed our visit, especially the ice-creams on the way back to school!
On Thursday, Jo from Whitby Beach Sweep came to talk to us about helping to reduce plastic pollution. Next week we will be taking part in a beach sweep litter pick, as well as designing posters to help to raise awareness of the dangers that plastic pollution poses to marine life. We are hoping to encourage people to reduce their use of disposable plastics wherever possible.
In maths, we have been looking at place value and also working hard to improve the speed and accuracy of our times tables. Mrs Sloan is excited to see who will be the first 'Tables Master'.