Our 'Dragon Days' play practise is well underway now and we are very much looking forward to performing for you! We have lots of fun activities coming up in the next six weeks so we're feeling very excited and positive.
Despite this, (and the weather!) we continue to work hard in Elm Class. This week in maths, we have been solving problems involving converting between units of time and also measurement. In literacy, Miss Taylor has introduced us to explanation texts where we have been identifying key features and looking at model texts. We are also continuing our work with comprehension and spelling and grammar with Mrs Gurney.
We only have one piece of homework this week as we are still learning all our lines and songs for the play.
Our SRE sessions continue to go well, showing our mature and sensible attitudes towards an important subject.
Keigan Moth is Elm class' Star of the Week! Well done Keigan.
We are still viable contenders in the school sunflower contest! Mrs Gurney has bought some food and it is thriving in the nuturing environment of Elm class.
Elm Class.