This week we have been working on familiarising ourselves with magical stories, concentrating on the magical object in the story, the character who is given or finds the magical object and the character who gives someone the magic object.We have then used all these ideas in some freeze-framing drama work, where the children acted out a scene from a magical story with a partner and were asked to freeze.They were then asked questions such as- What is your magical object? What does it look like? What did you discover it does? Ideas included a magical football that if you scored a goal would give you the football strip of your choice to a monkey who gave some magic bananas which could take you anywhere in the world!!
In maths we have been using numicon maths apparatus to support us with our number bond and addition work.
As part of our growth mind set project that has been explained in the news letter, each class will learn a new skill. Holly class has decided to learn to tie shoe laces in a bow and will practise this skill each week in circle time.