This week we have been very busy reading and writing about the traditional tale 'The Magic Porridge Pot'. The children have made up actions to help them remember the story and then identified pictures from the beginning, middle and end.They have written sentences to go with the pictures using capital letters and full stops and the conjunction 'and' when possible to join two short sentences into one longer one.We have sent some 'talk homework' for the weekend to help your child to think of a new ending to the story using their own ideas.We have enclosed the ending of the original story to help but would be grateful if you could discuss with your child how they would like the story to end.This will help them greatly when we write our new endings next week!
In maths we have been concentrating on sequencing numbers to 20, recognising the numbers in words and numeral form and finding one more and one less than a given number.The children have been given reasoning tasks such as " If I count backwards from 13 I will say the number 14." They have enjoyed working with a partner during our mental warm up sessions to work out the answers to these problems.
We are currently looking at the properties of materials in science and identifying what objects are made from.We will be sorting objects and discussing why a particular object is made from a certain material.